2021 Annual Meeting Voting Information & Instructions
Hello HG community. This message is from the Board of Directors in consultation with our attorney. This is to clarify the process of voting in our election.
*******You will need 2 envelopes- place the votes (bottom portion of ballot in an envelope -> seal it-> place this sealed envelope and the top portion of the ballot (your information-name, address, signature) in another envelope and seal it. Send to IKO*****
This will be posted to HG website as well as IKO website 2021 Annual Meeting- June 2, 2021 at 7pm.
We understand there has been confusion about the new proxy for and voting process for the 2021 Annual Meeting. We regret the confusion and, in retrospect, management should have provided more clear instructions given the changes from historical practice. We hope the following provides clarity.
At this year’s Annual Meeting, there are two permissible methods to vote in the election of the Board of Directors, by Directed Proxy or by ballot.
• A proxy is the document that appoints someone else to act on your behalf, here to act on your behalf at the annual meeting. The person appointed to act on your behalf is also called your “proxy”.
• To cast a vote in the election to the Board of Directors by proxy, however, you must “direct” your proxy who to vote for. See, Section 3.7 of the Bylaws. To direct your proxy, you must complete the ballot portion of the proxy If you do not complete the ballot portion, your proxy has NO power to vote in the election of the Board of Directors. A nondirected proxy may be counted toward a quorum and may vote on any matters of business other than the election of Directors.
• The Montgomery County CCOC has ruled on a few occasions that the ballot portion of the directed proxy must be submitted in such a manner as to ensure secret balloting.
• The proxy form you received was developed to ensure the election ballot would remain secret. Unfortunately, to achieve this result requires additional steps.
• Proxy Completion/Submission Process:
o Step 1. At the top portion of the proxy, insert the name of the person you wish to appoint as your proxy. This person must attend the Annual Meeting for the proxy to count. If you do not wish to appoint someone, or if you are not sure if the person you want to appoint will attend the Annual Meeting DO NOT insert a name. The proxy is designed so the Association’s Secretary will be your default appointed proxy. Remember, the person appointed as your proxy DOES NOT have the authority to choose how to vote in the election. Again, the Association’s Secretary, if appointed as the default proxy, or your specifically appointed proxy cannot vote in the election in the manner they wish.
o Step 2. Complete the name and address information, date and sign the proxy.
o Step 3. Complete the directed ballot consistent with the instructions.
To ensure that the proxy is counted towards quorum
o Step 4. Tear the completed proxy at the dotted line.
o Step 5. Place the completed bottom portion of the proxy, the directed ballot, in an envelope.
o Step 6. Tape the top portion of the proxy to this envelope.
o Step 7. Place the envelope, with the ballot inside and the top portion taped to it, in the yellow self-addressed envelope provided by IKO and place the yellow envelope in the mail.
o The ballot envelope will not be opened until the vote count occurs.
Because the Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom, in person paper secret balloting at the meeting is not physically possible. Those Members who attend the Annual Meeting, who have not voted by proxy, and who still wish to vote (“Qualifying Member”), the opportunity to vote, will be permitted to vote by ballot.
To vote by ballot:
• A Qualifying Member may request a ballot during the Annual Meeting by emailing Marcia Grove during the meeting at [email protected].
• A Qualifying Member may email Ms. Grove [email protected]during the Annual Meeting of their intent to submit the attached ballot and may submit the attached ballot by the deadline. If you do not attend the meeting, you cannot vote by this ballot.
• Below is a copy of the ballot.
Vote Count
Inspectors of election will conduct the vote count following the ballot deadline. The candidates will be informed of the date and location of the vote count. Additional balloting instructions will be provided at the meeting.
Owner/Member Name (print): ___________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________
(Please tear and place this ballot portion
and tape it to the back of the envelope you return your ballot in, OR place in a separate envelope with the above portion taped to the envelope, and then place the ballot envelope in another envelope and mail it to the address provided)
Ballots must be returned by 4:00 PM, May 28, 2021.
Please mail or deliver your ballot to: Hampshire Greens c/o IKO Community Management, 3416 Olandwood Court, Suite 210, Olney, MD 20832.
Hello HG community. This message is from the Board of Directors in consultation with our attorney. This is to clarify the process of voting in our election.
*******You will need 2 envelopes- place the votes (bottom portion of ballot in an envelope -> seal it-> place this sealed envelope and the top portion of the ballot (your information-name, address, signature) in another envelope and seal it. Send to IKO*****
This will be posted to HG website as well as IKO website 2021 Annual Meeting- June 2, 2021 at 7pm.
We understand there has been confusion about the new proxy for and voting process for the 2021 Annual Meeting. We regret the confusion and, in retrospect, management should have provided more clear instructions given the changes from historical practice. We hope the following provides clarity.
At this year’s Annual Meeting, there are two permissible methods to vote in the election of the Board of Directors, by Directed Proxy or by ballot.
• A proxy is the document that appoints someone else to act on your behalf, here to act on your behalf at the annual meeting. The person appointed to act on your behalf is also called your “proxy”.
• To cast a vote in the election to the Board of Directors by proxy, however, you must “direct” your proxy who to vote for. See, Section 3.7 of the Bylaws. To direct your proxy, you must complete the ballot portion of the proxy If you do not complete the ballot portion, your proxy has NO power to vote in the election of the Board of Directors. A nondirected proxy may be counted toward a quorum and may vote on any matters of business other than the election of Directors.
• The Montgomery County CCOC has ruled on a few occasions that the ballot portion of the directed proxy must be submitted in such a manner as to ensure secret balloting.
• The proxy form you received was developed to ensure the election ballot would remain secret. Unfortunately, to achieve this result requires additional steps.
• Proxy Completion/Submission Process:
o Step 1. At the top portion of the proxy, insert the name of the person you wish to appoint as your proxy. This person must attend the Annual Meeting for the proxy to count. If you do not wish to appoint someone, or if you are not sure if the person you want to appoint will attend the Annual Meeting DO NOT insert a name. The proxy is designed so the Association’s Secretary will be your default appointed proxy. Remember, the person appointed as your proxy DOES NOT have the authority to choose how to vote in the election. Again, the Association’s Secretary, if appointed as the default proxy, or your specifically appointed proxy cannot vote in the election in the manner they wish.
o Step 2. Complete the name and address information, date and sign the proxy.
o Step 3. Complete the directed ballot consistent with the instructions.
To ensure that the proxy is counted towards quorum
o Step 4. Tear the completed proxy at the dotted line.
o Step 5. Place the completed bottom portion of the proxy, the directed ballot, in an envelope.
o Step 6. Tape the top portion of the proxy to this envelope.
o Step 7. Place the envelope, with the ballot inside and the top portion taped to it, in the yellow self-addressed envelope provided by IKO and place the yellow envelope in the mail.
o The ballot envelope will not be opened until the vote count occurs.
Because the Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom, in person paper secret balloting at the meeting is not physically possible. Those Members who attend the Annual Meeting, who have not voted by proxy, and who still wish to vote (“Qualifying Member”), the opportunity to vote, will be permitted to vote by ballot.
To vote by ballot:
• A Qualifying Member may request a ballot during the Annual Meeting by emailing Marcia Grove during the meeting at [email protected].
• A Qualifying Member may email Ms. Grove [email protected]during the Annual Meeting of their intent to submit the attached ballot and may submit the attached ballot by the deadline. If you do not attend the meeting, you cannot vote by this ballot.
• Below is a copy of the ballot.
Vote Count
Inspectors of election will conduct the vote count following the ballot deadline. The candidates will be informed of the date and location of the vote count. Additional balloting instructions will be provided at the meeting.
Owner/Member Name (print): ___________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________
(Please tear and place this ballot portion
and tape it to the back of the envelope you return your ballot in, OR place in a separate envelope with the above portion taped to the envelope, and then place the ballot envelope in another envelope and mail it to the address provided)
Ballots must be returned by 4:00 PM, May 28, 2021.
Please mail or deliver your ballot to: Hampshire Greens c/o IKO Community Management, 3416 Olandwood Court, Suite 210, Olney, MD 20832.