On Monday, November 18 the Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) Board will be having a public hearing at the Carver Educational Services Center (CESC). Address is 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville, 20850. If you are free this evening please participate and support your Hamsphire Greens Education Committee members efforts and support their testimony! Meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Reminder to Turn off Outdoor Faucets
Posted on November 05, 2019 Freezing weather is upon us so don’t forget to switch off the water to your exterior faucets. Bleed out the water from your pipes using the air valve located near the water faucet shutoff valve. Finally drain your exterior hoses to prevent freeze damage. This prevention may save you from a frozen pipe!
Reminder: Dual Zip Codes End 12/31
Updated on November 14, 2019
A friendly reminder that our zip code transistion ends 12/31. Starting in the new year all resident correspondences must use our new 20861 Ashton zip code.