A reminder that our community streets are maintained and cleared of snow by Montgomery County. Please use the following link to report to the County that your street has yet to be plowed by clicking here. Finally County laws require residents to clear the sidewalk adjacent to your property within 24 hours after the snow has stopped. Please check in with elderly neighbors that may require assistance.
HOA Meeting: 1/10 @ 7 p.m.
Posted on Dec. 21, 2018
On Thursday, January 10, 2019 the HGHOA will meet 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse to vote on an amendment to the Covenants regarding the parking & storage of vehicles upon the Property or upon public or private streets adjacent to the Property. All residents are encourage to attend as the Board requires 60% community approval for this amendment for approval. Information can be found here.
Reminder: No Street Parking
Updated on Oct. 15, 2018
A friendly reminder that per our HOA Guidelines no residential street parking is permitted unless your driveway is completely full of vehicles. Our streets are narrow by design (safety reasons & swale) where parking a vehicle on the residential roads creates a unneeded hazard. Thank you!